Thursday, January 10, 2008

Then and Now


1. Turn on oven
2. Open freezer
3. Pull out frozen pizza
4. Bake in oven
5. Slice and eat
6. Throw box in trash
7. Place dish in dishwasher
8. Sit down and relax


1. Pull out 17 different gluten-free flours (Okay, slight exaggeration...maybe not 17, but it sure looked like it!)
2. Mix them all together; add to other crust ingredients
3. Beat with mixer
4. Oil pizza stones
5. Attempt to make two large globs of very sticky dough resemble pizza crusts
6. Pre-bake crusts
7. Chop lots of garlic and sauté it in olive oil
8. Open numerous cans of different tomato products
9. Add to garlic, along with lots of spices
10. Simmer until it tastes like pizza sauce
11. Set up the food processor
12. Grate as much cheese as I can find in the refrigerator (If I’m going to clean the food processor afterwards, I'm going to make it worth my while!)
13. Spread the pizza sauce on the pizza; top with cheese
14. Listen to Nate complain that we never have pepperoni pizza anymore
15. Pop it in the oven and bake for 20 minutes
16. Answer the call from Nick who says that he’s working late…again
17. Ward off the starving kids as I take it out of the oven
18. Cut it into slices; place on plates
19. Stick the plates in the refrigerator so that the kids don’t lose the skin on the roofs of their mouths as they devour the scorching hot pizza
20. Look at the completely trashed kitchen and want to cry
21. Remember that I didn’t make any dinner for E, who's allergic to cheese
22. Feed him a pizza crust, praying that he doesn’t react to the cheese
23. Listen to the kids say that they’re still hungry because I never make enough pizza
24. Start cleaning the kitchen
25. Survey the damage to the house caused by the toddlers while I was making dinner
26. Call Nick to recommend that he put on a helmet before entering the house tonight!
27. Remember that I need to feed E something besides pizza crust for dinner
28. Make something for E to eat
29. Give in to the starving kids and serve them the rest of the pizza
30. Start thinking about what I’m going to make Nick for dinner
31. Dream about the time that I can collapse into bed...knowing that it won't be anytime in the near future


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