Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Art of Making Doctors' Appointments

No matter how many times I go through this, I expect a different result. I expect that, when I need to make three appointments, I'll make three calls, talk to three different people, and put three appointments on my calendar!

It never, ever works out that way.


Jay's been having a tough time. He's had a bad eczema flare and he's in pain. It keeps him awake at night, and the sleep deprivation makes it harder for him to handle things during the day. He's full of anxiety and just plain unhappy.

In three weeks, he's scheduled to start a Social Skills Day Camp for kids with Autism. He is in such turmoil about this! He doesn't want to ride the bus because buses are too crowded. He doesn't want to eat lunch there because he's worried that he'll gag. (He used to have reflux but outgrew it. Apparently, he's still anxious about it.) He doesn't like to be outside because of his allergies and because the heat bothers his eczema. Gnats bother his eczema. He won't swim because pool water bothers his eczema. And on it goes.

Yesterday, I thought that I'd see if he could talk to our psychologist, thinking that maybe he could figure out a way to alleviate some of Jay's anxiety.

Our home phone decided to break. We could get incoming calls but the phone didn't ring. We couldn't make outgoing calls. So, I used my cell phone. I could talk for maybe a minute and then it would disconnect. This happened over and over, which just didn't make for a smooth phone call! I finally learned that they now have walk-in evals, which start next week, and then he'll be scheduled with the psychologist, which means no appointment before camp starts.

My next call was to his dermatologist at Children's Hospital. The receptionist informed me that the doctor had moved to Ohio. I said, "Oh no, she can't do that!" The receptionist said, "Oh yes, she just did!"

Ugh. There isn't another dermatologist there, so we'll have to go to another branch to a very popular dermatologist who doesn't have any openings until September.


Jay's sensory issues make it tough for him to deal with the eczema treatments, so I called his autism doctor, again at Children's Hospital, who helps him deal with those treatments. She didn't have any appointments. We sometimes see a different doctor, so I asked about an appointment with her. She's no longer at our branch.

They told me that appointments for September opened up at 8:00 this morning and I'd better call right at 8:00 if I wanted to get an appointment.

Yes, I know that, all too well.

I called this morning and got the first available the end of September.

So, camp should be interesting. I just keep praying for Jay because he really is struggling. Lots of issues with the holiday and his birth parents have been coming up, too, all wrapped up into one big meltdown...


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