Wednesday, September 14, 2011

E's Egg Challenge

E finally had his egg challenge yesterday. I scrambled up six eggs and sent them, along with a bottle of ketchup (yes, E is one of those people who puts ketchup on everything!), with Nick and E to the appointment.

The appointment generally lasts for about two hours, while they expose E to more and more of the eggs. At one point, he started gagging and had some trouble eating them, so the doctor kept him for an extra hour, just to watch for any more reactions.

In the end, he sent E home, saying that he's no longer allergic to eggs and can go ahead and eat them.

Last night, E announced that he had to throw up. He was finished by the time I got in there, and I asked him if he threw up his dinner. He said no, he'd just thrown up his germs.

Sure, whatever. the sun was just rising this morning, I was awakened by: "Mommy! Daddy! Wake up! It's time for me to have my eggs for breakfast!"

Then he had a meltdown because he didn't want them cooked; he wanted to crack them and eat them raw!

Give me strength. ;)

We had two eggs left in the house, and Nick fried them up. E was thrilled! He sat at the table, while Nick grabbed the camera to record the momentous occasion. E took his first bite...

and promptly threw it up!

I called the allergist, who felt that it was more of a taste/texture issue than an allergic reaction. He said not to give E any more plain eggs, but to try them in pancakes or french toast.

E is excited about the pancakes...but now says that he doesn't like eggs!


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